Starting secondary school

Bam started secondary school this September. Starting secondary school is a big step for any child. The change is huge – a child goes from having one/maybe two teachers all week to six a day. Suddenly, they are expected to follow a timetable and complete about four or fives times the amount of homework thanContinue reading “Starting secondary school”

We will be issued an EHCP!

A huge relief, super happy but tinged with a bit of sadness. I think that sums up my feelings when I found out that Bam was going to be issued an EHCP. My boy will have the support to spread his wings and fly! (hence the photo) I had a few moments before Mops finishedContinue reading “We will be issued an EHCP!”

Awaiting EHCP decision

I’m waiting for the Education, Health and Care plan (EHCP) decision to enter my inbox – it’s due on Monday but the local authority have warned me that there may be a delay of a few days. It’s really putting me on edge…we’ve been told that Bam’s application is borderline so I’m aware we mightContinue reading “Awaiting EHCP decision”

Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) – the next stage

I chose this photo to accompany this post as I think it accurately sums up how I feel about the Education, Health and Care Plan process – lots of steps to climb, with my gorgeous boy and his needs at the centre of the process. Here’s more about entering stage 2 of the process…. FollowingContinue reading “Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) – the next stage”

Bam on tour…school trip excitement

Last week Bam went on a school trip. The school asked him to write a summary of his day for the school newsletter – his account of his day is below. This piece really made me smile, his excitement and love of the outdoors really shines through. So here it is….handing over to Bam… ThankContinue reading “Bam on tour…school trip excitement”

Supporting the sibling of a special needs child

When you have a child with special needs, they can quite quickly and easily become the focus of your attention. They need extra support to keep up with daily life, they need extra understanding because sometimes they’re not able to keep up with daily life and they need extra energy because sometimes life can beContinue reading “Supporting the sibling of a special needs child”

Receiving a high functioning autism diagnosis

I walked into the doctor’s surgery feeling a bit nervous. I didn’t know what to expect, I just knew we would be there for two hours and that they were going to do two types of assessment. I didn’t know what the assessments would involve, I hadn’t prepared myself for the emotional impact either –Continue reading “Receiving a high functioning autism diagnosis”

Act of kindness at the top of a lighthouse

Living with a child with ADHD inevitably brings the odd challenge along the way…When those challenges arise the behaviour and reactions of those around you can make a difficult situation better or worse Yesterday I was lucky to be in the company of a very lovely Nan! Here’s what happened. We were in Plymouth visitingContinue reading “Act of kindness at the top of a lighthouse”


I’m very proud and honoured to have a very special guest blogger write for me – My son, Bam. You inspire me every single day.  Bam, over to you…. I have ADHD and epilepsy so I don’t always do that well in school, but fortunately for me I have two lovely teachers and one lovely LSA. Even if I haveContinue reading “BAM’S LOVELY LIFE !!! ;)”

Bam is 10!

Warning to pregnant Mummas – contains detail of a difficult birth Wow, how does a decade go so fast….Bam is 10 today and I’m looking back wondering how we arrived at today so quickly! This morning he said to me ‘ Mum, you can have a glass of wine tonight. I’m impressed you have keptContinue reading “Bam is 10!”